Veiledande pris
2.690,00 kr
SvingeSvein er den ene tremolopedalen som dekker alle dine tremolo-behov. Alt fra myke peisknitretendenser til fornøyelsesparkenes drøyeste attraksjoner og alt imellom. Sett tempo med foten, still inn forskjellige modulasjonsformer, synkroniser med MIDI osv...
MIDI sync input
Stereo Output switch for ping-pong tremolo
Tap tempo
2 custom modulation waveforms that can be loaded into it
4 standard waveforms sinus, square, sawtooth and triangle
Software for editing custom waveforms and max/min freq.
3 way switch for ratio ex. 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, 3:4, 4:3, 5:4, 4:5, ++ Selectable in SW
Possibilites to connect an expression pedal for controlling depth or freq.
Tap out
Analog modulation with optocoupler
LED indicating the volume
True bypass
Standard 9V power supply (negative center)
MIDI sync input
Stereo Output switch for ping-pong tremolo
Tap tempo
2 custom modulation waveforms that can be loaded into it
4 standard waveforms sinus, square, sawtooth and triangle
Software for editing custom waveforms and max/min freq.
3 way switch for ratio ex. 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, 3:4, 4:3, 5:4, 4:5, ++ Selectable in SW
Possibilites to connect an expression pedal for controlling depth or freq.
Tap out
Analog modulation with optocoupler
LED indicating the volume
True bypass
Standard 9V power supply (negative center)